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India Pistons CMD receives Rotary Award
12th November 2016
The prestigious “Corporate Citizen Award” for 2016 of the Rotary Club of Madras East (RCME) was presented by Mr. R. Ramanujam, Chairman and Managing Director, Brakes India Ltd., to Mr. N. Venkataramani, Chairman and Managing Director, India Pistons Ltd., at a special function held in Chennai recently.
Rtn. Jayanthi Govindan, RCME President, said on the occasion: “Over the past few years, the Rotary Club of Madras East has been conferring this Award on valuable companies by studying the track record of many corporates that come in this category of giving back to society and evaluating their CSR activities. On this basis, we unanimously decided this time to give this Award to India Pistons spearheaded by Mr. Venkataramani, for being a very responsible Corporate Citizen.”
After receiving the Award, Mr. Venkataramani said: “India Pistons has been built on a firm foundation of enduring values, instilled in each one of us by our Founder and Visionary leader S. Anantharamakrishnan. Our commitment doesn’t stop with producing better products, but extends beyond to offer more to the community in which we do business. Being a socially responsible corporate company, IPL is committed to making a difference to the deserving men and women living in the community where the company operates and helps them achieve sustainability and growth in life. Among its many endeavours to give back to society, the major CSR activity it has taken up is the ‘One Teacher, One School’ project that ensures to fall in line with Swami Vivekananda’s policy of, ‘If the child cannot go to a school, bring the school to the child.’”
Mr. Ramanujam stated: “There are corporates that are large oceans that have the waves touching the shores and going back into the ocean. There are other corporates who are like big ponds, depending on rainfall from the sky to distribute goodness to nearby communities. But it is that specific corporate, like India Piston, which is like an eternally flowing river watering the banks on both sides and nurturing goodness and greenery, which takes care of its official obligations and also gives back to society much more than what it has benefited from it.”
India Pistons Ltd. of the Amalgamations Group was founded in 1949, and till date it has had a fine track record with excellent business results in particular, as well as outstanding contributions to the services and needs of society in general.